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ঝিনাইদহ জেলা কারাগারের তথ্য বাতায়নে স্বাগতম।কারাগারে আটক বন্দির অসুস্থতার কথা বলে বিকাশ, রকেট, নগদ বা যে কোন ব্যাংকে অর্থ গ্রহণ করা হয় না।সরকারী নিয়ম অনুযায়ী চিকিৎসা প্রদান করা হয়। কেউ এ ধরনের কারাগারের পরিচয় দিয়ে অর্থ চাইলে আইন শৃংঙ্খলা বাহিনীকে বা অত্র দপ্তরে যোগাযোগ করার জন্য বলা যাচ্ছে।

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At a Glance

At a glance Jhenaidah district jail

In British rule, in 1860 to 1861, prison and construction of various districts and subdivisions was built. In its continuation, Jhenaidah sub-jail was established in 1918, during the then British period, on the land of 1.56 acres of Jhenaidah Mauza Tauji No-1992 Khatian. During the establishment, this prison was holding capacity of 15 men and 06 females total = 21. Later, another detachment barrack was constructed with 40 captive holding capacity. After the increase in the number of prisoners, in the year 1980-81, the construction of new perimeter wall outside the old perimeter wall was expanded in the new jails in the newly expanded prison area, with the construction of a four-storied, four-storied, four-storied, barrack, and a 14-capacity capacity for the juvenile prisoners. A single-storeyed building is built. After the construction of the jail, 169 male and 6 female female holders total 175 people. In 1998, the sub-jail of the same establishment and manpower was upgraded to the District Jail. As the old prison was unplanned, more than 800 prisoners remained in place of 175 prisoners. In 1996, under the leadership of the Janata Party leader Sheikh Hasina, a plan to shift the prison to a large extent was taken to reduce sufferings due to the concept of "not just a place of execution but rather a correctional institution of prison". In the year 1996-97 fiscal year, the construction of Jhenaidah District Jail completed with the capacity of holding 9.5 acres of land (180 + 20) = 200 in Routaul Mauja was started on Jhenaidah Chuadanga road under Jhenaidah Sadar under the "12 jail building" project. After working for 13 long years due to various adversities, all administrative activities have been started, including the detention of 23/04/2010. On 10/07/2010, the prison started the new horizon in history by inaugurating the newly built District Jail by Advocate Sahara Khatun MP Mahodaya, Honorable Home Minister of the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh.