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Citizen Charter
  Rakibi Nariyapad, who has been in jail in front of Dokob Light, is going to jail in front of the prisoners and all the deceased aliens have been accused of betraying the prisoners. In the public interest and welfare, all the programs in jail are considered. In order to simplify all the work, the main services are discussed in detail in the market and in general.
Look at the captives in Nayambal
01. If you want to see Datineu and Noriapad Hafjati prisoners, you need permission to file a magistrate / court.

0. The witness must be admitted in the highest 30 (thirty) master.

03. In order to meet with the prisoner, take any money for the money laundering. No one can pay any money, but if you claim money, you can register it on mobile and tollfone numbers or prevent it from being used by the search engine.

04. Mobile or any other contamination can not be made in the meeting room.

05. Keep your mobile in place of storage.

06. There is a need to submit annexure for meeting. If you can not get the letter in writing, collect slips from the prison guard at the front of the meeting and make an appointment in the meeting room.

07. The meeting is aimed at meeting the needs of essential items at the fair and fair prices at the fair. In the cantee, the essential commodities are being breached at fair price. You can purchase the goods from the Cantony and provide the prisoner. If the demand for the price for the goods is mentioned in the nomination Call to mobile and tolephon numbers or to search Rock Abhayioga sati rajestiare lapibiddha parane karatie.
A. Super Tollfen no-045162176 mobile number -001796970660 in water
B. Water Tollfen No-0451 62436 Mobile No-101796970661


The amount of money deposited in the position
01. Here money is deposited.

0. No money is required for depositing money.

 03. Please deposit money in cash at the nearest place. Do not deposit money to anyone else.

04. There is no need for any extra money to deposit money. If you ask for any amount of money or inconvenience or money to deposit money, you can immediately send it to the Mobile and Tollfone nomination or search the Safeguard Search service.

 05. Your prisoner did not deposit money to Sathya number

06. Deposits can be deposited in the account during the next financial year

07. However, if you wish, you will be able to deposit money through post office money.

08. In prison, the prisoners are not paid by the canteens in prison
Purchasing essential items and food at affordable prices.
01. In the free prison, you are hanging on the Taluka notebook

0. Find out the name of your detainee, who is known to be in the spotlight, to get to the prison. If there is no name, no news in the search

03. If you are wrong with the name of the suspect, then you are hanging on the tattoo note. They will not be released today. You have the possibility of releasing tomorrow, so come tomorrow tomorrow, do not miss it. According to the announcement of the loud speaker, if a prisoner is not released on a free time, contact the inquiry.

04. The prisoner does not need any work for the pall. If you claim that you are claiming to be in a hurry or in a hurry, you may be able to send it to the mobile and tollfin numbers or to prevent it from being checked by the search engine.
05. The prisoner's freedom is being announced through loud speaker after half an hour. You did not take the license and work accordingly.
Nomabalini in the autobiography signing
01. Submit the Velocity Box
0. Conviction of the prisoner and result of the suit
03. Opening the blacklisting box at 01 hour intervals, the knit is handed over to the lawyer / relative in the signature of the prisoner. If you do not go ahead in the morning, do not hesitate to search or return to the main guard guard at the Reggae Grade or to the below mentioned phone number.
04. Do not pay any money for the signing of the victalnamnama. If you claim money for the name of your child, ask for the names of the Chief Prison guard or Cuban money in the Recovery Day, or send it to the mobile and tollfree numbers or to search the Safeguard Practitioner.
A. Super Tollfen no-045162176 mobile number -001796970660 in water
B. Water Tollfen No-0451 62436 Mobile No-101796970661
Naimyomi in the possession of the prisoner goods
01. By submitting the goods to your detainee's shop, you can not submit the unidentified name and the registered guardman's nakit.
0. You will be arranged to reach your prisoner's knit with the goods on your behalf
03. No baggage is needed to reach the goods baggage knock. If you claim any kind of claim about the supply of goods, you can send it to the mobile and tolephine numbers immediately after claiming money from the public, or search the site for verification.